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Total confirmed 2024 rides: 239

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Last map update: 12.May.2024 04:16:42.

New York
Contact: Ed Brennan   <--Send email
Distance: 15 mi.
Notes: I noticed Albany's Ride of Silence was not listed on the national page. Our annual ride is scheduled for May 15th with a rain date of May 22nd. I apologize that we didn't get you this information sooner. Our announcement is below.

The Albany Bicycle Coalition will hold its annual "Ride of Silence for Bicyclists Killed & Seriously Injured in Crashes May 15th". This event is held by bicycle groups around the world. At 5 PM on Wednesday May 15, we will gather at Evergreen Memorial Park cemetery to remember cyclist Joseph Crandall and the many other victims of traffic violence on Central Avenue, the deadliest road in the Capital Region. Location: 2150 Central Ave, Schenectady, NY. At 6pm we will depart Evergreen for a 15.2 mile bike ride to visit sites where Roger Sawyer and Jeremy Williams lost their lives. The ride stays off Central Avenue, but riders should be comfortable riding with traffic. The ride will return to Evergreen before dark. Rain date May 22nd. Details at: https://albanybicyclecoalition.com/upcoming-events/

Members of the public and media are invited to attend the memorial at 5 pm, the ride at 6 pm or both. There is no charge for participation.
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Contact: Scott Lauffer   <--Send email
Distance: 8 mi.
Notes: Contact the organizer for more details.
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Contact: Kevin Daloia   <--Send email
Distance: 10-12 mi.
Notes: The 8th Annual TABx-Uptown BRONX GHOSTBIKE ride had combined with the 2023 RIDE of SILENCE last year and will honor May 15th as our Annual TABx-Uptown Bronx Ghoshbike Ride of Silence going forward.
Route is not yet confirmed

Contact the organizer for more details.

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Contact: Tara Escudero   <--Send email
Distance: TBD
Notes: Contact the organizer for more details.
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Contact: Anita Lewicki   <--Send email
Distance: 3-5 mi.
Notes: Ride will be at 7pm starting out from FM Bus Garage near Wellwood school 333 Franklin Street heading we will head west on Franklin, right on Spring. right on to Rt 5 right on FM road and ride to Manlius Swan Pond and return back to Bus Garage
Please show up 15 minutes prior to 7pm
Thank you
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Contact: William Miller   <--Send email
Distance: 8 mi.
Notes: Meet at 6:30PM at the O & W Rail Trail parking lot 487 Washington Ave. near the Super 8 Motel. Helmets Required. Bring lights if you have them. This will be a slow ride through the City of Kingston.
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Contact: Kecia McCullough    <--Send email
Distance: 8 mi.
Notes: Contact the organizer for more details.
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