Add a Location
Please fill out the form below. Information marked with an asterisk (*) is required and must be provided for your listing to be accepted.

**NOTE: Don't use any punctuation in your names and other fields (Example: J'son for a first name will not process and your event registration will fail but Jason will process properly).

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
(Do not use email address with
punctuation before the @ symbol)
City *
(Please also include State/Province code here
for locations outside of the USA)

(include state/province as needed)
State/Province (US & CA only)
Country *
ISO-3166 country codes are welcome
(AU, CA, DE, IN, SG, US, etc..)
**Do NOT include email addresses in notes. Spammers may harvest addresses from this field.
Messages may be sent from ride listings, keeping email address hidden, after listing has been approved.**
The national Ride of Silence™ organization asks that you read, understand,
and agree to the following rules before posting your event:
* I agree to the above terms.
Use this
Enter the

Important Note: After clicking the "Add Location" button a "Thank you" page should be displayed after a few seconds then a confirmation email from '' (Subject: New Location) will be sent to the email address entered in this form. If both of these actions do not occur please email the Webmaster a copy of your event details as a server error may have occurred to

2015.05.17 - Updated to welcome diacritical marks (יצ...) and improve error messages.